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Pupils in Years 3-10 are expected to wear a school uniform. At Meadows we understand that uniform can be a cause of upset and conflict both at home and within school. It is our intention to remove barriers to learning by having a simple and expansive uniform policy.

Uniform list

We ask that parents/carers provide their child with:

  • 2 pairs of dark grey or black school trousers–plain black jogging bottoms are acceptable for students with sensory issues.
  • 1 pair of plain black shoes or trainers (no coloured flashes)
  • 1 warm, weatherproof coat or jacket

On the day of admission Meadows School will provide for your child (free of charge):

  • 4 white short sleeve polo shirts
  • 2 black sweatshirts


We ask that parents/carers discuss with their child and provide if desired:

  • Dark grey or black schools shorts 
  • Black or dark grey skirts 
  • Spare pair of trainers for school activities (to be kept in tutor room)
  • 1 black or dark grey hoody –please note students will be expected to keep their hoods down whilst at school (students who fail to comply with this request may be asked to wear a sweatshirt)
  • White shirts (if your child does not wish to wear the polo shirts provided)

We appreciate that young people want to express themselves as they begin to develop their sense of identity, yet we do appreciate and expect parental support in implementing this policy. We are happy to discuss any issues regarding our uniform policy or by parents/carers contacting the school directly.

In Year 11 pupils can write a letter to the principal requesting to wear their own clothes.

Pupils in our Post 16 provision can automatically wear their own clothes, but they must be suitable.

All clothing should be labelled clearly with the pupil’s name.