Pupil Premium Funding
This funding is a specifically allocated sum of money from the Government via Local Authorities. It is aimed at reducing inequalities between student groups. It can be given for Children in Care, children who have been adopted from Local Authority care and children who are entitled to Free School Meals as well as Service Children.
Projects and interventions can be funded from this grant to help a range of students, including those who are entitled to this funding and some who are not. These projects can be supported with a mixture of pupil premium grant and money from the main school budget.
Schools have to publish information on how much pupil premium grant funding they receive and how they spend it. Meadows School's Pupil Premium Statement for December 2021 onwards can be read in full below.
Child in Care students can expect up to £2345 per annum (2021-2022), but this is devolved by the Local Authority and in usual circumstances is administered by the Virtual School belonging to the Local Authority the student is looked after to.
The amount of Pupil Premium that Meadows School students are entitled to for 2021-22 is:
£35,766 for 'Ever 6 FSM' delivered throughout the academic year. Areas of expenditure include:
- Outdoor furniture equipment: outdoor gym and trim trail
- Provision of technology for lessons
- Health and well-being interventions
- Preparation for adult life
- Bike equipment
Child in Care funding is managed differently and is discussed between the school and funding Local Authority at the student PEP meetings.
Provision mapping is being developed for potentially eligible students and expenditure is likely to be focused on additional equipment, 1:1 support and additional targeted educational support.
'Leaders and staff provide a wide range of opportunities beyond the school. These support pupils’ cultural understanding and broaden their horizons and views of the world.' (Ofsted 2022)