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Class groups are small and kept to a maximum of 8 pupils. At least 2 members of staff work with each class and tasks are differentiated according to the individual needs of the pupils.

Meadows School has a thriving Key Stage 2 department. Meadows School - Primary Campus is separate to the main secondary campus and is sited in Tunbridge Wells.

At Key Stage 3 Meadows offers all pupils a very comprehensive curriculum which is organised into a structured day of 6 x 45 minute lessons. Every day starts with reading - coordinated by form tutors working in conjunction with the English department.

At Key Stage 4 there are opportunities to study for GCSE’s, entry level exams and AQA Unit Awards. All pupils are encouraged and supported to achieve their potential and the opportunity to pass nationally accredited exams is a great boost to their confidence.

Meadows School's  Key Stage 5 department is on the secondary campus, a short walk away from the main school building and allows those aged 16-19 years (Years 12, 13 and 14) the opportunity to attend a supportive, yet adult-focused provision. All learners have bespoke and individualised study programmes, which take into consideration their aspirations for the future and enable progression, whilst maximising their potential. The Key Stage 5 Curriculum Offer includes English, Maths, Vocational Subjects (BTEC Levels 1-3), courses with Partner Agencies (Colleges), Employability Opportunities and support in the development of Independence and Life Skills.

As well as following the National Curriculum, our intention at Meadows is to offer a curriculum to support students in achieving positive outcomes to help them progress in the next stage relevant to them of their education, employment or training. Running alongside the core timetable, there are many enrichment opportunities for students to engage in, including: music, drumming, construction, fishing, outdoor adventure activities, outdoor learning & horticulture, vocational college placements, work experience and independent travel.

National Curriculum

All students have access to an entitlement curriculum including the National Curriculum within a framework that supports individual educational needs. The specific needs of each student are recognised within a Personal Education Plan and Care Plan. They are reviewed at six monthly meetings by education and care staff in partnership with families and students. The SENCo develops and supports individual catch-up programmes where appropriate.

'Pupils say that since arriving at Meadows School their lives have improved a lot. Parents and carers are supportive of this.' (Ofsted 2022)