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A young person must meet our admissions criteria in order to gain a place at Meadows School. These include:

  • The young person being aged between 7 and 18 years old on the date of admission. Admissions can take place throughout the academic year.

  • The young person having an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) or in the process of application with completion due shortly.

  • Parents or the responsible authority being able to guarantee regular home leave.


'Many pupils who join the school have previously had long periods of absence. Adults learn quickly about each pupil’s barriers to coming to school. Staff’s personalised, nurturing approach helps build trust.' (Ofsted 2024)

Referrals Process

Stage 1 – Formal Consultation by your Local Authority:

Prospective pupils must have an EHCP or be within 6 months of an EHCP being issued. The admissions process begins when our admission team receives a formal referral from the local authority. Parents/carers may request Meadows School as preference with their child’s SEN Caseworker. These papers are considered by a variety of professionals and a response is returned to the local authority.

Stage 2 – School Visits, Interview and Taster Days

If our panel feels that we can meet the needs of the prospective pupil, they will be invited in for a visit before a formal interview is offered and possibly taster days, so that Meadows may get to know them better and they may get to know the staff and students at Meadows. The local authority will be informed in writing the outcome of the visit, and whether a placement has been offered or declined.

Stage 3 – Admission

Any special arrangements and an admission date will be agreed with the local authority. If no place is currently available, placement on a waiting list will be offered.

A home visit by a member of our Pastoral Team will be carried out so that the staff team can fully understand the pupil’s needs and answer any questions parents/carers may have.

The new pupil will have an admissions meeting and a 30 day review period will commence.

Please contact our admissions team on 01892 529 144 if you have any questions. Please contact your SEN Caseworker to request Meadows School to consider a placement for your child.


'Many pupils who join the school have previously had long periods of absence. Adults learn quickly about each pupil’s barriers to coming to school. Staff’s personalised, nurturing approach helps build trust.' (Ofsted 2024)