Barton Science Centre

GCSE Science Group visit the Barton Science Centre at Tonbridge School.
On Thursday March 16th members of the GCSE Science group visited Tonbridge School, to look around the amazing Barton Science Centre, and to take part in some practicals and demos.
We started with an interactive session based around their huge periodic table installation, which contains actual samples of most of the elements (although there were photos instead of samples of the radioactive, dangerous or crazily expensive elements!).
We then moved up to the lab - climbing the 'reactivity stairs' on the way! Here we took part in practicals linked to the GCSE syllabus (reactivity series of metals, and displacement reactions of halogens). Finally there were a few 'big bangs' to finish off the session!
The Tonbridge School teachers were very impressed with the wide-ranging chemistry knowledge of our pupils, and we are really looking forward to visiting them again in the future.