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Latest News

Please see here for all the latest Meadows School news!

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  • True Crime Museum

    Published 04/04/23

    Year 11 Hastings Trip

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  • The Amelia Scott Centre

    Published 04/04/23

    Year 8 pupils visited the Amelia Scott Centre in Tunbridge Wells.

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  • Barton Science Centre

    Published 28/03/23

    GCSE Science Group visit the Barton Science Centre at Tonbridge School.

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  • World Book Day 2023

    Published 27/02/23

    World Book Day will be celebrated on 3rd March 2023

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  • KS2 Kids Takeover the Museum!

    Published 07/12/22

    Meadows School KS2 were honoured by the Amelia Scott Centre's invitation to be their partner school in the national 'Kids take over the Museum' event on November 18. 

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  • Global Orchard Project

    Published 26/10/22

    Global Orchard Project - Key Stage 2

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  • Britain in Bloom Gold Award

    Published 03/10/22

    Britain in Bloom Gold Award for Key Stage 2

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  • "Kid's Day Out" at Chessington World of Adventures

    Published 24/05/22

    The Rotary Club of the Pantiles, Tunbridge Wells have been fundraising for tickets.

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  • Celebrating the Queen's Platinum Jubilee

    Published 29/04/22

    Please see the attached poster for details about lunch to celebrate. Should student's wish to bring their own packed lunch on this day they may do so. There will be no hot lunch from the canteen on this day.

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  • January 2022 - Arrangements in School

    Published 03/01/22

    Arrangements for students - January 2022

    COVID-19 has had a significant impact on all schools since March 2020 and will continue to need measures in place to manage the health and safety of all.

     We encourage you to contact the school directly on 01892 529144 or via for any further information or with any questions you might have.

    • The Department of Education is recommending the wearing of face coverings/masks for all secondary-aged students (Year 7 and above) in communal areas AND classrooms for those who are not exempt. This will be reviewed later in January 2022.
    • Students and staff are required to regularly wash hands with soap and water or use hand sanitiser which is provided throughout the school.
    • Windows will be opened in all occupied areas to allow the through flow of air to reduce possible transmission of Covid-19 and regular cleaning regimes remain in place.
    • Lateral flow tests are being provided on site for the first day of Term 3 (Tuesday the 4th of January 2022). Following this, lateral flow test kits will be available for students to undertake twice per week at home where their parents/carers have requested them. Results need to be uploaded as per the Government instructions and parents/carers should inform the school of results. 
    • If a young person displays any of the following symptoms then the student should NOT attend school and instead be booked in for a PCR test;
    • A high temperature
    • A new, continuous cough
    • A loss or change to your sense of smell or taste
    • Individuals are not required to self-isolate if they live in the same household as someone with Covid-19, or are a close contact of someone with Covid-19 and any of the following apply;
    1. They are fully vaccinated
    2. They are below the age of 18 years and 6 months
    3. They have taken part in or are currently part of an approved Covid-19 vaccination trial
    4. They are unable to be vaccinated for medical reasons

    Instead, they will be contacted by NHS Test and Trace, informed they have been in close contact with a positive  case and be advised to take a PCR test.

    • Anyone who does test positive (confirmed through a positive PCR test) should now self-isolate for 7 days, provided they have negative LFT test results on days 6 and 7.

    Guidance is available for your information:

    Actions for schools during the coronavirus outbreak (Updated 2nd January 2022)

    Department for Education coronavirus helpline

    The Department for Education coronavirus helpline is available to answer questions about COVID-19 relating to education and children’s social care. Staff, parents and young people can contact this helpline as follows:

    Phone: 0800 046 8687
    Opening hours: 8am to 6pm (Monday to Friday), 10am to 4pm (Saturday to Sunday)

    Please note, we are currently experiencing high volumes of calls. We appreciate your patience at this time and apologise for any wait that you may experience. To ensure that we answer your calls as quickly as possible, we have now extended our opening hours to cover weekends and are increasing the number of call handlers available to answer your calls.

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  • Quality Mark Success!!

    Published 08/11/21

    Meadows School has been awarded a Cross Phase Quality Mark for English and Maths 

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  • The Recipe Book of Happiness

    Published 05/11/21

    Meadows School's Primary Students featured in an art project!

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